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Thermal Industries Windows Reviews

Read 5 Thermal Industries windows reviews from knowledgable people in the industry; contractors, installers, industry gurus and past customers. More on Thermal Industries windows prices.

Opinion from a Contractor

"I have five window companies I use on a regular basis and haven't experienced any major problems with them so far. Minor issues can be experienced with any window, but I am talking about the smaller things like weather-stripping or damage during shipping, things that are quickly resolved through customer services. The windows I recommend all offer good customer services and warranties and these include Ply Gem, their Great Lakes windows only, Gorell, Simonton, Sunrise and Thermal Industries."

Steven - Contractor - from 2013

Read additional Ply Gem window reviews.

Thermal Industries Windows

"We live outside of Cincinnati and we are considering a local company that sells Thermal Industries windows. However, I can't find much information on them."

Jen - Homeowner - from 2012

Contractor Response

Honestly, I don't love TI windows. The design is outdated, they use a pocket sill that is just not a good long term design feature. They went through bankruptcy a few years ago. I would keep looking. Even a window like Reliabilt from one of the big box stores would be preferable to TI.

Jim - Contractor - from 2012

Contractor Review

I've found that all the Thermal Industry windows are similar, the only difference is the options available for each one. I am not overly impressed with these windows, they have a snap in sill. Personally I would go with a window with a sloped sill from OKNA, SoftLite, Sunrise or Gorell.

Steven - Contractor - from 2011

Thermal Industries vs. Simonton

I am currently dealing with a sales man who I think is working for Thermal Industries because he is trying to push me towards the 530 Series. I know they also do Simonton, so I got a quote on both. The estimates are to change my double casement windows with a large single slider. The Thermal Industries prices are $600 for each window or $1,150 if I want to change the casement to a double hung option. The Simontons were $700 per window and $1,340 for two double hungs. I am not sure which one is the right choice. Does anyone have any advice on these window companies?

Darren - Homeowner - 2011

[Contractor Reply]

Why don't you consider a Simonton an upgrade? Personally I find the Thermal Industries windows aren't the best quality, while the Simontons are on the higher end of the scale.

Conrad - Contractor - from 2011

Read additional Simonton windows reviews.

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