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Vinylmax Edison or the Simonton 5050
How does Simonton 5050 compare with Vinylmax Edison? I am so confused about comparisons and feeling overwhelmed.
Editor's ReplyMarbel, the Vinylmax Edison is the better window. No question about it. It is a very solid mid range vinyl window.
Mary's ResponseTommy, the contractor who uses Simonton for most installs is willing to install the Vinylmax Edison but said we should consider that Vinylmax is small company that may go out of business and then we would have no warranty or replacements parts. Do you agree?
Editor's ReplyMarbel, I certainly understand the concern that they are a smaller manufacturer, but they do make a better window (with the Edison compared to the Simonton 5050). In term of whether or not they will close up shop and you will be left hanging in the wind, I would point out that the company has been in business since 1982, which is not forever, but it's long enough that they have a track record. With the great recession some years back, we saw a number of window manufacturers go the way of the Dodo and consumers got burned for sure. Vinylmax weathered that economic downturn and I would say they are not at great risk for closing anytime soon.
Vinylmax v Sunrise & PolarisMy wife and I bought a home near Minneapolis and the windows are basically shot. I have four quotes so far on 10 big windows.
The Soft-Lite seller seems like he is a wheeler dealer, which would make me a little wary, but the Element is the best window of the group by far. The Sunrise is probably second (an upgrade to the Verde or Restorations would be much closer to the Elements), the Polaris is a decent window and the Vinylmax is a step below this. If you trust the SL seller and can get it for $13K or a bit lower, that is probably your best bet. I would agree that the Element is the best window. Check their website and see if you can find an Elements LS dealer near you to see what price he or she would give you. Those prices seem high, $1000 plus per window - seems like you should be able to get those numbers down a bit.
Vinylmax v Ply GemI have been considering both Plygem and the Vinylmax. Vinylmax seems like the better choice so far, with a stronger build, nice welds and a much longer warranty. Plygem has a 25 year warranty, while Vinylmax's is a lifetime. I'd have to pay $60 more per window for the Vinylmax though, and I'm still not sure if that extra amount is really worth it. I don't have any issues paying that much unless it's a waste.
Do you know what the number ratings are for each window? You'll want to look at those in order to determine if it's worth buying. Take a look at SHGC, DP, U-value and AI. I'm not familiar with Vinylmax, while I'm familiar with Plygems. Vinylmax seems to have good features, but I do feel more comfortable with Plygem since a familiar company is someone I'm more likely to trust. Also, Plygem does have lifetime warranties.